Murder Mystery Mayhem, Cardiff Oscars Awards

Penarth Road, in Cardiff, might not sound like a regular setting for the Annual Oscars awards ceremony, but it was last Thursday night! The HSH motor company (Honda) had completed the major renovation to their impressive showroom and wanted to thank their VIP customers with a fun and exciting evening of entertainment.

Honda Motor Home

They booked the ‘1st Call Entertainment’ s – Murder Mystery’ team to transport their guests back in time, to an Oscars awards night in 1937.

Cardiff’s Deadly Oscars Awards Night

Everyone who was anyone in the film industry was in attendance. Including the famous motion picture producer and owner Marjorie-Gae Millington, her dynamic director, Barton Hayes, and their latest star in the making, the dashing James Stonnington Smythe, to name just a few!

An Oscars Awards to ‘die’ for

Scene Of The Crime

Unfortunately, there was a ghastly death before the first award could be given out and then another before the delicious desserts were served! Luckily the local constable, PC Bailey, was on hand for crowd control and was eventually able to apprehend the villain amongst the party and save the day.

Marketing Manager Dawn commented, “I want to say a big thank you to your team for a brilliantly entertaining evening, our guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”

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