A Delicious Menu Of Murder

Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery‘1st Call Entertainment’s – Murder Mystery’ has the pleasure to regularly perform in the city of Bristol. Last week they served up “A delicious menu of murder”, at the prestigious Bristol city museum and art gallery. This historic building, with its ancient relics, provided the perfect backdrop for the ‘last night in England’ dinner before setting off on an African safari adventure.

Invited ‘Bristol Super Sleuths’ were able to mingle and dine with the safari parties VIP guests, which included, the world-renowned explorer and Archaeologist, Lady Agatha Plantagenet, Eric Marrowbone the famous British crime writer, the recently widowed American millionairess, Mary- Belle Divine and Crispin Moorcock, the son and heir of merchant banker and businessman Sir Joseph Moorcock.

A Menu Of Murder

Unfortunately, before the desserts arrived a couple of members of the VIP party got “their just desserts “. Menu of MurderBut all was not lost because Inspector Jennings, from the Scotland Yard in London, was on hold. With assistance from the attending ‘Bristol Super Sleuths’, he was able to, eventually, apprehend the villain in the group. The guests were then able to rest easy and enjoy the social dancing which concluded a very exciting evening of, murder mystery and intrigue from 1st Call.

Murder at the Bristol Hippodrome

‘1st Call Entertainment’ have the pleasure to regularly perform evenings of murder mystery and mayhem in Bristol, especially int the Hippodrome.
But last week presented a very special murder mystery. The team often perform in the piano bar and bistro of the city’s prestigious Hippodromes theatre, but on Monday night they performed on the theatre’s famous stage!

Bristol Hippodrome Auditorium

The evening guests were transported back to wartime Britain in 1941. A new weapon called the “Great Pandandrum” had been invented and the VIP guests were invited to the special launch dinner. The evening started well with guests enjoying social chit-chat in the theatre’s stalls, but, the relaxed atmosphere suddenly changed when a key member of the army party was found dead backstage in the no 1 dressing room. Being British the assembled guests did the only thing they could do, “carry on regardless” and go straight to the awaiting sumptuous buffet on the stage!

A Staged Hippodrome Murder

A further two grisly deaths occurred before the guests tucked into their desserts but eventually (with much help) from the guest’s local policeman ‘P.C. Bailey’ was able to identify and apprehend the murderer in the party.

There is no doubt the guests enjoyed their “first ever” murder mystery on the famous Bristol Hippodrome stage and ‘1st Call Entertainment’ look forward to returning to this landmark venue on the 4th and 5th May.

Bristol’s Landmark Murder Mysteries

The South West city of Bristol is a very popular destination for the ‘1st Call Entertainment’s – Murder Mystery’. The city now boasts a population of nearly half a million people. It is situated between Somerset and Gloucestershire on the tidal river Avon. For almost eight centuries it has been among the UK’s biggest and most economically and culturally important cities.

Murder at Bristol’s popular destinations

S.S Great Britain

This hugely popular destination offers many innovative and exciting venues for ‘1st Call Entertainment’s – Murder Mystery’ to perform at, some of which are historic landmarks. One such landmark venue is The S.S Great Britain, one of the most historic ships in the world. By combining power, size and innovative technology, Isambard Kingdom Brunel created a ship which quite simply changed history. The ‘1st Call’ team have the pleasure to perform on the ship several times a year.

Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery

Another regular Bristol venue for ‘1st Call Entertainment’s – Murder Mystery’ is at The Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. This landmark venue offers archaeology, geology and art including fossils, an impressive Romany caravan and artwork by local boy Banksy!

Other popular murder mystery haunts include the piano bar and bistro in Bristol’s prestigious Hippodrome theatre, The Clifton Pavilion which is part of Bristol’s famous zoo, and We the Curious a truly amazing hands-on science centre.

Bristol has the perfect historical environment

There can be no doubt that the city of Bristol is steeped in exciting history and has numerous venues which offer the perfect backdrop for an evening of murder mystery and intrigue!

Spy Murder Mystery hire Bath

Delicious Menu of Murder in Bath

Last weekend 1st call murder mystery returned to one of it’s most popular and requested locations in the South West for murder mystery, Bath. This time it was to perform it’s exciting 1960’s murder mystery “spy scenario” for a group of ladies celebrating a special birthday. The chosen location for 1st call murder mystery to carry out it’s “dastardly deeds” was The Bothy. The Bothy is an unusual and special property which is part of a prestigious manor house development. Spy Murder Mystery hire Bath arrive to suprise the wonderful guests who attended.

Spy Murder Mystery hire Bath

The ladies all dressed up for the 1960’s murder mystery theme and certainly enjoyed their delicious menu of murder.

It’s organiser kindly sent us this testimonial.

Dear Christopher

Just a note to thank you and Oliver for a brillilant evening on Saturday.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves – they loved the way you could adlib so well!  It was quite a leap in the dark deciding which company to go with as  no one I knew had ever had any experience of a murder mystery party.  everything promised was delivered exactly to plan.  Thank you so much – it was a memorable and fun evening.  I don’t think those attending will ever forget it!

Best regards

Morag Egan